Empezamos una nueva temporada de Business Trip de LA7EM. En esta ocasión prendimos motores y nos fuimos a recorrer las calles de Miami Estados Unidos con los grandes líderes y profesionales que tiene La Florida.

En esta temporada te queremos presentar la historia de grandes empresarios y lideres de grandes empresas, su recorrido, su vida y lo que han hecho especialmente bien a lo largo de los años para hoy ocupar posiciones directivas y gerencias de alto nivel.

Con un cafecito de Juan Valdez en la mano y a bordo de nuestro Tesla te presentamos conversaciones amenas, entretenidas alrededor del mundo del management, business, leadership y entrepreneurship.

En este episodio, conversamos con Mauricio Ortiz, presidente de Boston Scientific, un colombiano radicado en La Florida hace ya más de 15 años, que dirige esta multinacional del sector salud, cuyo enfoque es salvar vidas a través de la innovación y la tecnología.


Business Trip Miami: Mauricio Ortiz, President Boston Scientific We are starting a new season of LA7EM Business Trip. On this occasion we started engines and went to walk the streets of Miami United States with the great leaders and professionals that La Florida has.

In this season we want to present the history of great entrepreneurs and leaders of large companies, their journey, their lives and what they have done especially well over the years to today occupy high-level management positions. With a coffee of Juan Valdez in hand and on board our Tesla we present pleasant, entertaining conversations around the world of management, business, leadership and entrepreneurship.

In this episode, we talk with Mauricio Ortiz, president of Boston Scientific, a Colombian based in Florida for more than 15 years, who runs this multinational in the health sector, whose focus is to save lives through innovation and technology.


Mauricio Ortiz
President Latin America - Boston Scientific
President Latin America Boston Scientific CorporationBoston Scientific Corporation. Miami/Fort Lauderdale Miami. Vicepresident & General Manager Americas. Vice President & Country Director Brazil. General Manager Andean Countries Tyco International. Director Sales & Marketing Abbott Diagnostic Division - Colombia.

business trip temporada 6

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