Para que se hagan una pequeña idea, el invitado en este episodio de Business Trip es Cubano, pero lleva casi tosa su vida viviendo en EE.UU, país en el que ha sido asesor en finanzas y negocios de El Pentágono y la Casa Blanca. Una gran persona, un excelente profesional que hoy dirige Fintech Americas, una empresa que está revolucionando al mundo y a la industria Fintech.

A bordo de nuestro coche, Ray Ruga. Y como las buenas historias y las buenas conversaciones siempre son mejores con un cafecito en la mano, te invitamos a disfrutar de este episodio por las calles de Miami con un cafecito de Juan Valdez, para nosotros, el mejor café del Mundo.

ENGLISH VERSION To give you a little idea, the guest in this episode of Business Trip is Cuban, but he has been living in the US for almost all his life, a country in which he has been a financial and business advisor to the Pentagon and the White House.

A great person, an excellent professional who today directs Fintech Americas, a company that is revolutionizing the world and the Fintech industry. Aboard our car, Ray Ruga. And since good stories and good conversations are always better with a coffee in hand, we invite you to enjoy this episode through the streets of Miami with a coffee from Juan Valdez, for us, the best coffee in the world.


Ray Ruga
Co-Founder and CEO of Fintech Americas
I am a financial innovation entrepreneur focused on transforming the industry in the Americas to make it fast, agile and efficient enough to provide financial services to all segments of society. My Company, Fintech Americas, is a research and learning company that combines a deep expertise in data and analytics, dynamic understanding of financial services and a capacity to bring people and organizations together in meaningful ways, resulting in our members being able to not just survive, but thrive amidst constant change.

business trip temporada 6

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