Salkantay Partners y su fondo de USD 50M para startups del Perú

Buscan empresas innovadoras con alto impacto en la sociedad y en el ecosistema. Su operación se basa en buscar inversionistas en el Perú que agreguen valor a los emprendedores y startups del país. Su primer fondo es de USD 12 Millones enfocado en educación y growth equity, el segundo es un fondo de venture capital por USD 50 Millones.

Hoy Salkantay Partners en Perú ha movilizado USD 50 millones en inversiones y ha impactado a más de 10.000 personas a través de sus actividades. Sus socios y comité de inversiones a nivel regional han movilizado más de USD 1.4 billones.

Salkantay Partners es una empresa de inversión que crea valor para sus clientes mediante el desarrollo y el fomento de empresas innovadoras y sostenibles que mejoran la vida de las personas. Basados ​​en Perú y enfocados en la Alianza del Pacífico. Su búsqueda de oportunidades de inversión se enfoca en educación, tecnología y otros sectores de alto impacto, donde buscamos desarrollar un portafolio de instituciones de calidad que se conviertan en referentes regionales.


Martín Aspillaga
Partner at Salkantay ∙ Venture Capitalist ∙ Investor ∙ Innovator ∙ Founder ∙ Strategist . Young Global Leader
I am a Venture Capitalist with a passion for innovation, positive impact and Latin America. I collaborate with intrepid founders, visionary investors and strategic allies to identify great innovative ideas and transform them in successful companies that improve the lives of millions. I am a co Founder and Partner at Salkantay, an impact investments asset manager focused in the Pacific Alliance and with presence in Lima, San Francisco and New York. As an investor, I have gained end to end experience building, managing and divesting alternative portfolios at Salkantay and Enfoca, working from setup to fundraising, from prospection to investment, and from value creation to successful exit. I have held direct managerial positions (CEO, CMO, CFO,...) during turn around and change management situations and worked across Latin America as a Management Consultant for Bain & Co. During my professional life I have experienced failure and seen success and learned hard lessons. During my lifetime I have gained extensive functional expertise in strategy, corporate and entrepreneurial finance, marketing & sales, mergers and acquisitions, disruptive innovation, business development, turnarounds and general management, with industry experience that comprises traditional and tech-enabled businesses in financial services, retail, services, education, healthcare, real estate and manufacturing. I feel fortunate for the network of peers and mentors that I have built through my professional experience at Salkantay, Enfoca, Bain, McKinsey, LAEP and SBS. I try to give back and continue building a strong professional ecosystem by serving on Boards, performing as Member, Panelist, Mentor, Instructor, and Professor at various local and global organizations and executive and grad programs. I believe in the value of building a network of collaboration for life focused on shared values and dreams for Peru, Latin America and the world. I am an active participant in several organizations and NGOs, as a Young Global Leader Alumn at the Forum of Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum, as a Millenium Leader at the G50, as a Member of Red Kullancha and other organizations. Finally, I am a Forum Leader at Executive Forums, a Mentor at Endeavor and an Academy Member of the Global Teacher Prize. I am a current Officer and Past President of Harvard Business School Peru Club. I am passionate about innovation, strategy, the future, politics and civil society, impact and development, education, literature and surfing.


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