¿Qué herramientas tiene Google para las startups en América Latina? ¿cómo competir y diferenciarse en el mercado? ¿recomendaciones para ser exitoso? ¿cuáles son las barreras que Google ha encontrado en América Latina para una transformación digital? ¿A qué le da visibilidad, qué prioriza Google?

Esas fueron algunas de las preguntas que realizamos a Hanoi Morillo, directora de transformación digital de Google, quien nos contó la apuesta de esta gran empresa por el emprendimiento y las startups en América Latina.


Hanoi Morillo
Chief Digital Officer (VP Digital Banking)| Author & Speaker | Board Member
Hanoi Morillo is the VP of Scotiabank's Digital Banking and Chief Digital Officer of the bank in Colombia. Before, Hanoi was the General Manager in South America for IBM iX, the Digital Strategy and Innovation consultancy of IBM role she took after 12 years at Google in various roles across the globe working with the Fortune 500. Hanoi integrates strategy, technology and design to enable companies to redefine their business strategies, create great customer experiences (both B2C & B2B) and bring a culture of innovation. With a unique diverse experience, Hanoi has led teams of creators, developers, talent management experts, consultants and scientist across countries and brings a unique perspective to innovation and Digital Transformation. Hanoi is also an author and global keynote speaker and advisor in cultural transformation, digital innovation and technology trends. Her first eBook “Six Pack Executive” was a best launch in Amazon in 2019. Stay tuned for her new book and speaking engagements. She is also a mentor and investor in startups as part of the VC Fund, Gate 93. Prior to joining Google, Hanoi worked in audit and consulting for KPMG in Spain and spend some time in the newspaper industry as well.


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